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Our innovative Supercritical (SC) CO
It is a 'single step' Dyeing as well as Finishing technology for textiles
Suitable for Man-made, Natural as well as Blended textiles
It allows use of traditional dyes
Improves dye utilization
Makes 'scale-up' easy
Gives less than half dyeing time vis-a-vis prevalent SC CO
Achieves uniform dye solubility making even lighter shades possible
Avoids steps like Reduction clearing, two bath dyeing for blends
Uses much less quantity of chemicals, No salt, reducing the water & energy load resulting in substantially low environmental impact
Pre-coating the surface of ready-to-dye textile, with a thin layer of optimum quantity of dye
& auxiliary chemicals, to greatly enhance the surface area of dyes and improve rate of
solubilisation of dye & other molecules in supercritical CO
Impact summary from 'Gate to Gate' Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of our patented process:
SCFE process has inbuilt features, which improve the quality of extracts
Undegraded extracts with delicacy and freshness close to natural
High concentration of desired active components
Preserving the synergistic bio-activity of molecules in the extract
No residual solvent
Free of biological (microbial) contaminants
Longer shelf life
Simultaneous fractionation of extract possible to get spice oil and oleoresin in a single step
Flexible operating conditions for multiple product extraction
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is used as solvent that is: Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) for food products
Thus the concentrated extracts obtained from SCFE truly preserve and represent the desired goodness present in natural raw materials. This aspect also vastly increases the application potential of natural molecules in processed foods, medicines (Nutraceuticals), convenience products etc.
Over the last few decades, Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SCFE) Technology has emerged as a superior alternative to the conventional techniques (solvent extraction or steam distillation etc). However, there is still a very large potential for the use of SCFE to achieve better value addition and to generate preference for quality natural products, as compared to the traditionally processed natural products that may undergo degradation during conventional processing steps, due to incorporation of heat, oxidation, hydrolysis etc.
Further, We have carried out a detailed feasibility study for SCFE based on existing price of spice oil and oleoresins (prices that of extracts from hexane extraction and steam distillation). SCFE shows a good profitability even without considering premium that may be obtained due to its better quality products. This justifies the investment and on long term perspective makes SCFE a preferred route.